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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/ultradomes.
Commuter Coaches Compared
While there are no similar DMUs to compare the CRM model to, there are several bilevel commuter coaches, which will be presented here as we are able to make comparisons. We'll start with the CRM commuter coaches and Bombardier's Bilevel coaches as represented by Trinity Rail Express 1004. Click on the picture or the car number for more details of each car.
Photo: |
More coaches to come from Kawasaki, Pullman, Nippon-Sharyo and more as we can catch up with them. |
Builder: |
Colorado Railcar |
Bombardier |
Car No.: |
Seating: |
182 |
136 |
Length: |
89 Feet |
85 Feet |
Height: |
19' 10.5" |
15' 11" |
Rating: |
1 |
2 |
For fun, we can also take a comparative look at Colorado Railcar's prototype DMU and its classic counterpart, Budd's RDC, or Rail Diesel Car.
Photo: |
If and when an FRA compliant DMU finds its way to the market, we will strive to show a comparison here. Stay tuned. |
Builder: |
Colorado Railcar |
Budd |
Car No.: |
Seating: |
94* |
72 |
Length: |
85 Feet |
85 Feet |
Height: |
14' 10.75" |
14' 8" |
FRA Compliant: |
Yes |
No |
Updates will be made to this page as the opportunities present themselves. |
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