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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/willstrainart.


GM LWT-12 Locomotive
The Original Demonstrator Series
LWT-12 Demonstrator (GM Powerama)
LWT-12 Demonstrators 1000 & 1001
LWT-12 Demonstrator 1000 PRR
LWT-12 Demonstrator 1001 NYC
LWT-12 Demonstrator 1001 UP
Rock Island LWT-12 Jet Rocket (#1)
Last Chapter - Commuter Service from Joliet to Chicago
Rock Island LWT-12 #1
Rock Island LWT-12 #2 & #3
A Sample of the Coaches
AeroTrain Coach
AeroTrain Observation Car
A Sample of the Consist
The Whole Demonstrator Train Set


If you want to read more about the history of these unique trains, the following links might be of help;

This link gives a styling perspective on GM's Train of Tomorrow.

This link gives a more pragmatic viewpoint.

If anybody reading this has photos (or links thereto) of the AeroTrain on the AT&SF as the San Diegan, please contact me.

I ask nothing for posted drawings to be displayed on personal sites, as long as permission is granted from the owner (me or another posted artist) and credit is given.

See the AutoCad Page if one desires drawings for commercial use.


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