This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/willstrainart.
My thinking right now is that I've got the below listed locomotives now available as PNG files from the Art Index, created by AutoCad 2006 as part of its "Publish to Web" function (modified to fit the Dreamweaver created site.) At this time, I do not plan to provide AutoCad files down-loadable from this page. However, if one is interested in the Acad 2006 dwg file, please feel free to email me and we can see what can be arranged.
I ask nothing for posted drawings to be displayed on personal sites, as long as permission is granted from the owner (me or another posted artist) and credit is given.
The price for drawings used for commercial purposes, such as on model packaging or as display on websites advertising a product, is negotiable based on desired use. Available formats include GIF, PNG, PDF, or DWG. Please email me via the link above for specific terms. These drawings may not be used for any commercial purposes without recieving prior permission.
Silver Rails Gallery is offering framed and unframed high resolution prints of my work. Just follow the link for details.
The listing below is what I've amassed as I've learned and upgraded AutoCad over the years. The first locomotive drawn (and redrawn/upgraded repeatedly) was the Alco C-420. The last (so far) is the Alco RS-1 .
Will Anderson’s
AutoCad Locomotive Drawing Listing
Items in BOLD RED are items added or modified between January and December 2006.
Items in BOLD ORANGE are added or modified between January and December 2007.
Items in BOLD PURPLE are added or modified between January and December 2008.
Items in BOLD GREEN are added or modified between January and December 2009.
Items in BOLD BLUE are added or modified between January and December 2010.
Items in BOLD GOLD are added or modified between January and December 2011.
Items in BOLD PINK are added or modified between January and December 2012.
Items in BOLD YELLOW are added or modified between January and December 2013.
Items in BOLD TEAL are added or modified between January and December 2014.
Switchers: HH-600, HH-900, HH-660, HH-1000
S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, S-5, S-6
C-415 (Various Versions)
B-B: Box Cabs, B-Slug
FA-1 (Two Number Board Versions), FB-1, FA-2 (Two Air Filter Versions), FB-2
(Two Air Filter Versions), FPA-4, FPB-4
RS-1 (Phase I & II) , RS-2 (Various
Versions), RS-3 (Various Versions),
RS-11 (w/-w/out Steam), RS-32/RS-36, RS-4 (M-K Rebuild), RS-27 (Various Versions)
C-420 (Various
Versions), C-424 (Various
Versions), C-425 (Various
Versions), C-430 (Various Versions)
A1A-A1A: DL-109, PA-1, PB-1, PA-2, PB-2, PA-3
C-C: C-Slug
RSD-7, RSD-12, RSD-15 (High & Low Nose)
C-628 (Various Versions), C-630 (Various
C-636 (Various Versions)
Switchers: RDG Pre-VO-660, VO-660, DS-4-4-660, VO-1000, DS-4-4-10,
S-12, Lima-Hamilton 750, 800, 1000 and 1200
B-B: DR-4-4-1500 (CNJ, NYC, MP Versions), DR-4-4-1500B
(NYC & MP Versions), RF-16 (PRR Antenna Option), RF-16B
DRS-4-4-1500 (Dynamic Brake Options), AS-16 (Phase I & II, Dynamic
Brake Options), Lima-Hamilton
1200 RS (NYC)
A1A-A1A: DR-6-4-1500 (NYC & SAL Versions), DR-6-4-1500B
DRX-6-4-2000 (both Phases), DR-6-4-2000 (Babyface and Sharknose Versions), DR-6-4-2000B,
DRS-6-4-1500 (Dynamic Brake Options), AS-416 (Phase I & II, Dynamic Brake
C-C: DRS-6-6-1500 (Dynamic Brake Options), AS-616 (Phase
I & II, Dynamic Brake Options)
Other: DR-12-8-3000 (Centipede) (Phase I and II)
Electrics: E2-C. E3-B
Switchers: SW, SW-1 (Phase I & II), NW-2 (Phase I & II),
SW-8 (Truck Options), SW-600 (Truck Options), SW-900 (Truck Options), SW1200
(Truck Options, MU Options), SW-1200m, SW-9 (Truck Options), SW-7 (Truck
SW-1001 (Truck Options), SW-1000 (Truck Options), SW-1500 (Truck Options),
B-B: CGP-18 (Hybrid)
MP-15DC (Phase I & II), MP-15AC (Phase I & II)
FT (Dynamic Brake Options, Short B Unit Option ), F-3A (F-2A & F-5A)
(Many Options),
F-3B (Many Options), F-7A
(Many Options), F-7B (Many Options), F-9A
(Many Options), F-9B (Many Options)
FP-7A (Many Options), FP-9A (Many Options), FL-9
F-40-PH (Various Amtrak and Commuter Versions), F-40-PHM-2 (Metra), F-59-PH (three versions), F-59-PHI (Panel Options), DE30AC, DM30AC
GP-15-1 (Many Options)
BL-1/BL-2 (w/ or w/out steam), GP-7 (Many Options, including ICG GP-8), GP-9 (Many Options, including ICG GP-10), ICG GP-11, GP-18 (Many Options), GP-20 (Many
GP-30 (Various
Versions), GP-35 (Various
GP-38 (Many Options), GP-38-2 (Many Options), GP-39 (Many Options), GP-39-2
(Many Options), GP-40 (Many Options), GP-40P (CNJ/NJT), GP-40-2 (Many Options), GP40-2P
(SP), GP-40-PH (Various Commuter Permutations), GP-50 (Many Options)
A1A-A1A: EA& EB (B&O, w updates), B (CRIP), E-7A (Many Options), E-7B (Many Options), E-8A
(Many Options), E-8B (Many Options), E-9A
(Many Options), E-9B (Many Options)
C-C:SD-7, SD-9, SD-18, SD-24 (Many Options), SD-38, SD-39, and SD-40 (Many Options), SD-40-2 (Many Options), SD-40T-2
(D&RGW, SP & SSW), SD-45
(Many Options), SDP-45 (Various
Versions), SD-45-2 (Various
Versions), SD-45T-2
(SP & SSW), SD-50 (Various Versions), SD-60 (Demo and CR), SD-60m (Various Versions)
F-45 (Many Options), FP-45 (Many Options), SDP-40-F (Phase I & II, ATSF Rebuild)
SPECIAL: AeroTrain
(LWT-12 [Demo and RI Versions], Coach & Observation)
Electrics: AEM-7 (Various Models and Rebuilds) , GM6-C, GF6-C
Switchers: RDG #97
B-B : CFA (All Versions), CPA (All Versions), H-15-44, H-16-44
(all phases, w/NH version), P12-42 (B&M and NH)
A1A-A1A: "Erie-Built" A & B Units (SO Many Options)
C-C: H-16-66, H-24-66 (Phase I & II, Dynamic Brake Options)
General Electric-
Switchers: 44-Ton (Phases
Ia to V), 25-Ton (with and without footboards)
B-B: U-18-B (Truck Options), U-23-B (Truck Options), U-25-B
(Phase I [Demo] to IV), U-28-B (Many Options), U-30-B (Many Options), U-33-B (Many Options),
U-36-B (Many Options)
B-23-7 (Many Options), B-30-7 (Many Options), B-36-7 (Many Options)
P-32-AC DM, P-40, P-42
C-C: U-23-C (Many Options), U-28-C (Many Options), U-30-C
(Many Options), U-33-C (Many Options), U-36-C (Many Options)
C-30-7 (Many Options), C-36-7 (Many Options)
Electrics: GG-1 (Original & Modified), E-2B,
E-33 (VGN/NH & PC/CR Versions), E-44
E-60-CP, E-60-CH (Phase I & II, Amtrak & NJT)
Other Manufacturers -
B-B: MPXpress MP36PH-3C (All Present Variations), MPI F40PH-2C, MPI F40PH-3C (All Present Variations), Bombardier Turbine Locomotive Demo, MK F40PHL-2
Electrics: ALP-44, ALP45-DP, ALP-46 and Alp-46A, HHP-8, Acela 6.5 Power Car
Switchers: RDG A-5a
Atlantics: RDG P2-b
Moguls: RDG L-7sb
Pacifics: RDG G1-sa, RDG G1-sas, RDG G-3
Consolidation: RDG I10-sa
Mikado: RDG M1-sa
Sante Fe: RDG K1-sa, RDG K1-sb
Northerns: RDG T-1
Mallet: RDG N1-sa
Generic Freight Cars: 50’ Outside Braced Box, 50’ Smooth
Box, 50’ Gondola, 65’ Gondola, 50’ ACF Covered Hopper, 50’
PS Covered Hopper, 40’ Center Flo Covered Hopper, 50’
Cylindrical Covered Hopper, 40’ Airslide Covered Hopper
Generic Caboose: Bay Window, Extended Vision
Specific Passenger: ACF Baggage and RPO, ACF Sleepers, ACF Domes
Budd Sleepers, Budd Lounge, Budd Diner, Budd Coach (or 16 Section Sleeper), Budd Slumbercoach, Budd Domes (short [CZ & Chessie] and full), Budd Dome Observation (CZ and Chessie), Budd Baggage (CZ), Budd Dome Theater Car (Glacier View), Budd Amfleet (Phases I & II, Coach and Food Service), Budd RDC-1 (Phases I, II, & IIa), Budd RDC-2, (Phases I, II, & IIa), Budd RDC-3 (Phases I, II, & IIa), Budd RDC-4 (Phases I, II, & IIa), Budd RDC-9 (Phase II), Budd "Hotrod" (NH Roger Williams streamlined RDC, cab and trailer), Budd Metroliner (three phases), Modified Metroliner Cab and Conference Cars, and the Budd SPV-2000 (Various versions)
Pullman-Standard Coaches, P-S LIRR Commuter Cars, P-S Diner, P-S Sleepers, P-S Domes, and P-S Observation Cars, Superliner (I [PS] and II [Bombardier], All General Variations)
AmeRail California Cars (All Variants)
Bombardier Bilevel Commuter Cars (HS & BBD, Cab & Coach), Bombardier Acela Passenger cars and custom LC Passenger Cars
Generic Passenger: Fluted Side Package/Generator*, Fluted Side Baggage,* Smooth Side Baggage,* Fluted Side Super Dome,* Fluted Side Vista Dome*, Smooth Side Vista Dome*, Smooth
Side Coach*, Fluted Side Coach*, Fluted Side Vista Dome Observation*, Smooth Side
Dine*r, Smooth Side Duplex Sleeper*, Fluted Side Business ( * - No longer on the web page, but still in my collection)
The original intent was to create the CTR Roster for the paint scheme design. The first C-420 was actually drawn on a MacIntosh using some ancient drafting program (Micro-Cadd, maybe) and printed on an original Apple Laser Printer to be colored with felt-tip pens. I then redrew it in AutoSketch 1.0, then Acad Rel 9 to "learn the program." After a few side roads and locomotives that struck my fancy, I decided to create a painted roster for the Reading, based on a Reading Company Technical & Historical Society publication. Other engines have been added whenever the whim strikes.
I have quite a few drawings in various stages as I search for diagrams and/or dimensional data. For example, the second of the two GM Electric demonstrators (GM10-B, to be precise) is such a drawing, missing comprehensive dimensional data. Another is the NJT PL42AC; got lots of photos, but no dimensional data.
Thanks to Roland Ruesch (Engine Shop) the Aero-Train locomotive (LWT-12) now has some dimensional data and I've been able to add this to my graphic collection.
Thanks also to Charles Woolever for a copy of published drawings of the EMD GM6-C and GF6-C, as well as a couple of BLW/Westinghouse E2-C and E3-B drawings, and some additional help with the DR-6-4-2000 variants.
More thanks to Ronald Brill and Robert McDonald for providing detailed information for me to draft the light-weight FM P12-42. Another one off the wish list. Extra thanks to Mr. Brill for the info on the Roger Williams equipment (I always thought these were modified RDCs, but they were actually standard passenger cars powered wuth RDC equipment.)
If any have the documentation I seek, or can lead me to it, please feel free to contact me at
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