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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/willstrainart.



First Generation

  1. S-1 (RDG)
  2. S-2
  3. S-2 (RDG)
  4. S-3
  1. RS-2 Phase I
  2. RS-2 Phase I (Steam)
  3. RS-2 Phase II
  4. RS-2 Phase II (Steam)
  1. PA-2 AT&SF Rebuild
  2. PA-2 D&H
  3. PA-3
  4. Blank

Second Generation

  1. S-5
  2. S-6
  3. S-6 (Louvers)
  4. Blank
  1. RS-11
  2. RS-11 (Steam)
  3. RS-11 (Dynamic)
  4. RS-11 (Steam & Dyn)
  1. RS-32/36 High Hood
  2. RS-32/36 Low Hood
  3. RSD-12 (Long Windows)
  4. RSD-12 (Short Windows)
  1. RSD-7
  2. RSD-15 (High Hood)
  3. RSD-15 (Low Hood)
  4. RS-27 (No Dynamic)
  1. Blank
  2. RS-27 (Demo, UP)
  3. RS-27 (PRR)
  4. Blank

Select indicated links for Demonstrator Paint Scheme for the RS-11, RSD-7, or RS-27.

Third Generation (Century Line)

  1. C-415 (MCRR)
  2. C-415 (SP&S)
  3. C-415 (RI)
  4. C-415 (SP)
  1. C-415 (Logging Roads)
  2. Blank
  3. Blank
  4. Blank
B-B Road Switcher
  1. C-420 Phase 1-1 L&HR
  2. C-420 Phase 1-1 LV
  3. C-420 Phase 1-1 L&N
  4. C-420 Phase 1-1 NKP
  1. C-420 Phase 1-1 LIRR
  2. C-420 Phase 1-1m LIRR
  3. C-420 Phase 1-2 SAL
  4. C-420 Phase 1-2 NW
  1. C-420 Phase 2-2 L&HR
  2. C-420 Phase 2-2 L&N
  3. C-420 Phase 2-2 SAL
  4. C-420 Phase 2-2 Monon Passenger
  1. C-420 Phase 2-2 Monon Freight
  2. C-420 Phase 2-2 LIRR
  3. C-420 Phase 2-2m LIRR
  4. Blank
  1. C424 Phase I EL
  2. C-424 Phase I GB&W
  3. C-424 Phase I PRR
  4. C-424 Phase I RDG
  1. C-424 Phase II WAB
  2. C-424 Phase II SP&S
  3. C-424 Phase II GB&W
  4. C-424 Phase IITP&W
  1. C-424 Phase III BRC
  2. C-424 Phase III GB&W
  3. C-424 Phase I CP (MLW)
  4. C-424 Phase II CN (MLW)
  1. C-424 Phase II CP (MLW)
  2. C-424 Phase III CN (MLW)
  3. C-424 Phase III CP (MLW)
  4. C-424 Phase IIr CN (CN)
  1. C-424 Phase IIIr CN (CN)
  2. Blank
  3. Blank
  4. Blank
  1. C-425 Phase I EL
  2. C-425 Phase I WAB
  3. C-425 Phase I PRR
  4. C-425 Phase IIa PRR
  1. C-425 Phase IIb PRR
  2. C-425 Phase II NH
  3. C-425 Phase II NW
  4. C-425 Phase II SP&S
  1. C-425 Phase II C&NW
  2. Blank
  3. Blank
  4. Blank
  1. C-430 (Demo)
  2. C-430 (RDG)
  3. C-430 (NYC)
  4. C-430 (GBW)
C-C Road Switcher
  1. C-628 Phase Ia ACL
  2. C-628 Phase I Monon
  3. C-628 Phase I Demo
  4. C-628 Phase I D&H
  1. C-628 Phase IIb FCP
  2. C-628 Phase I L&N
  3. C-628 Phase Ib ACL
  4. C-628 Phase I PRR
  1. C-628 Phase IIa L&N
  2. C-628 Phase IIa SP
  3. C-628 Phase IIa HI
  4. C-628 Phase IIb LV
  1. C-628 Phase IIa PRR
  2. C-628 Phase IIb NW
  3. C-628 Phase IIb ChP
  4. C-628 Phase IIb NdeM
  1. C-628 Phase IIb HI
  2. C-628 Phase III NdeM
  3. C-628 Phase IIa D&H
  4. C-628 Phase III FCP
  1. C-630 ACL
  2. C-630 SP
  3. C-630 NW (Tri-Mount)
  4. C-630 RDG (Tri-Mount)
  1. C-630 L&N
  2. C-630 UP
  3. C-630 PRR
  4. C-630 NW (FM Tri-Mount)
  1. C-630 RDG (Hi-Ad)
  2. C-630 C&O
  3. Blank
  4. Blank
  1. C-630M CN Phase I
  2. C-630M CN Phase II
  3. C-630Mm CN Rebuild
  4. C-630M CP
  1. C-630Mm CP Rebuild
  2. C-630M PGE
  3. C-630Mm BCR Rebuild
  4. C-630Mm BCOL Rebuild
  1. C-636 Demo
  2. C-636 IC
  3. C-636 PC
  4. C-636 SP&S

Select indicated links for Demonstrator Paint Scheme for the C-415, C-430, C-628, or C-636.

Custom Rebuilds

  1. RS-4 (RS-3m)
  2. B-B Slug
  3. C-C Slug
  4. Blank

Home Art_Index Index

All linework shown above created by Will Anderson unless specifically noted.

I ask nothing for posted drawings to be displayed on personal sites, as long as permission is granted from the owner (me or another posted artist) and credit is given.

See the AutoCad Page if one desires drawings for commercial use.


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