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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/willstrainart.



Switch Engines
  1. VO1000 Phase II
  2. VO1000 Phase IIa
  3. VO1000 Phase III
  4. DS-4-4-10
  1. VO660 (RDG Prototype)
  2. Blank
  3. Blank
  4. Blank
Road Switchers
  1. DRS-4-4-1500
  2. DRS-4-4-1500 (Dynamic)
  3. DRS-4-4-1500 (Steam)
  4. DRS-6-4-1500
  1. DRS-6-6-1500
  2. DRS-6-6-1500 (Dynamic)
  3. AS-16 Phase I
  4. AS-16 Phase I (Dymamic)
  1. AS-16 Phase I (Steam)
  2. AS-416 Phase I
  3. AS-616 Phase I
  4. AS-616 Phase I (Dynamic)
  1. AS-616 Phase I (Tri-Mount)
  2. AS-16 Phase II
  3. AS-16 Phase II (Dynamic)
  4. AS-416 Phase II
  1. Blank
  2. AS-616 Phase II
  3. AS-616 Phase II (Dynamic)
  4. Blank
Car Body Locomotives
  1. DR-4-4-1500 CNJ Phase I
  2. DR-4-4-1500 CNJ Phase II
  3. DR-4-4-1500 NYC
  4. DR-4-4-1500-B NYC
  1. DR-4-4-1500 MP
  2. DR-4-4-1500-B MP
  3. RF-16
  4. RF-16 PRR
  1. RF-16-B
  2. DR-6-4-1500 NYC
  3. DR-6-4-1500-B NYC
  4. DR-6-4-1500 SAL
  1. DR-12-8-3000 Phase I (SAL)
  2. DR-12-8-3000 Phase II (PRR)
  3. DR-12-8-3000 Phase II (SAL)
  4. DR-12-8-3000 Phase II (Demo)
  1. DRX-6-4-2000 (CNJ) Phase 1
  2. DR-6-4-2000 (GM&O) Original
  3. DR-6-4-2000 (GM&O) Modified
  4. DRX-6-4-2000 (CNJ) Phase 2
  1. DR-6-2-1000 (C&NW)
  2. DR-6-4-2000 (Shark)
  3. DR-6-4-2000 PRR
  4. DR-6-4-2000-B (Shark)

Here's the link for the Centipede (DR-12-8-3000) Demo rendering.

Baldwin-Westinghouse Electric Locomotives
  1. Blank
  2. Blank


Lima-Hamilton Engines (Pre-Merger)
  1. 1200 hp Switcher
  2. 1200 hp Switcher EL
  3. 1200 hp RS (Steam)
  4. 1200 hp RS

Home Art_Index Index

All linework shown above created by Will Anderson unless specifically noted.

I ask nothing for posted drawings to be displayed on personal sites, as long as permission is granted from the owner (me or another posted artist) and credit is given.

See the AutoCad Page if one desires drawings for commercial use.

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Support this website by joining the Silver Rails TrainWeb Club for as little as $1 per month. Click here for info.