Meet the Members
Club Officers
President Ken Riediger
Vice President Jim Frankenfeld
Secretary Cody Hilliard
Treasurer Ken England
Newsletter Editor
Photo Coming soon.
Editor Jim Gibson
The Members with family on a trip to the DFW area.
A group picture during  a trip to Brownwood.
(At left) Our friend and fellow-member Nick sent us this picture while he was deployed. Nick, we are proud of you and glad you are part of the club!
Jim Gibson (left) and Ken England share a laugh at the 2007 Open House.
Mike Ziegenhagen driving a steam-powered Case tractor, circa 1965.
If you are a ASMR Member and you would like to have your pictures or projects posted here please send them here.
Please visit Ken's page to see photos and track plan of his Layout.
Cody has been into model railroad for as long as he can remember. He models in HO-scale and is interested in the Santa Fe and BNSF railroads. He is very lucky to have a beautiful wife named Lauren who is very supportive of his hobby. He works at Hendrick Medical Center as a supervisor of the Biomedical Engineering department where he repairs and calibrates medical equipment. He is also the Webmaster of this website.
Model Railroad Hobbyist
Hill Country Flyer
Texas State Railroad
Tarantula Train
T&P Memories
Texas Escapes: Railroads
Texas RR Locations
Selected Links:
Club Brochure
Membership Application
Club By-Laws
Modular Plans
Track Plan
Biography coming soon.
Biography coming soon.
Biography coming soon.
Please visit Jim's page to see photos of his layout.
He has been interested in trains since 5 years old according to his parents.  His grandfather arranged a ride for him in the cab of a local steam switcher back in Pennsylavania in 1955 and he was hooked.  He's interested in the ATSF and T&P railroads as prototype inspiration for his own Wolf Creek Railroad which has been under construction since 1972 or so.  The layout itself had to wait until late 2000 or so due to money and right of way availability.  He's involved in working with sound projects using Digitrax decoders. 

Please visit Cody's page to see photos of his layout.
Web Page Maker, create your own web pages.