Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the ASMR's mission?
What is the ASMR's history?
When does the club meet?
Where does the club meet?
Is the public invited to the meetings?
What are some of the activities of the club?
How can I become a member?
How can I contact the ASMR?
Where can I send comments about the website?
What is the ASMR's mission?
The Abilene Society of Model Railroaders (ASMR) is an officially chartered [501(C)3] non-profit organization. It was established to promote public awareness and appreciation of Abilene's Railroad heritage, and the important role played by railroads in national and local history. It strives to do this utilizing various educational programs and projects, including operating model railroad layouts.
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What is the ASMR's history?
ASMR at the Abilene Civic Center, circa 1994
Photo courtesy, Jim Gibson
Abilene's Preservation League provided space for ASMR to set up and operate layouts in the old Cypress Building downtown, and for the next five years ASMR had a home there. During that time the HO layout grew steadily in size and complexity, and was moved to the Civic Center each year for display during Railfest weekend. The Lionel layout was modified with an upper level for American Flyer S-gauge train operation. ASMR regularly entertained large crowds during during downtown activities like Artwalk, City Sidewalks, and other special occasions.

Sadly, in 1995, the club had to vacate the Cypress Building when the historic structure underwent a complete restoration. After several interim moves the club is currently located in the Westwood Professional building at 598 Westwood Dr, Abilene, TX 79603).
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When does the club meet?
The club meets on Saturdays at 10 am and Tuesdays at 7 pm.
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Where does the club meet?
The club currently meets at 598 Westwood Dr., Abilene, Tx
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Is the public invited to the meetings?
Yes, the public is invited to the meetings. However please see our Calender page to make sure that we will be there.
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What are some of the activities of the club?
Clinics on various model railroad subjects are held from time to time. We try to have a operating session on the third Saturday of each month. We also go on trips to train shows  and do some railfaning on occasion. Please see are Calender page to see what is scheduled.
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How can I become a member?
Membership is open to any person who enjoys model trains, railroad history and lore, “railfaning”, collecting railroad memorabilia, or just about any aspect of the overall subject of railroads or model railroading. There is a $25 initiation fee. Dues are $15 a month for members age 18 to 65, $10 for ages 65 to 70 and 14 to 18, and $5 for 70-plus. Note: Members under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult. If their parent is a member, their dues are only $2 per month.
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How can I contact the ASMR?
Please feel free to contact any of the following members:President Scott Fritz (325) 892-4253Vice-President Ken Riediger, (325) 692-8419 Secretary Cody Hilliard, (325) 690-9574 Treasurer Ken England, (325) 695-2458.
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Where can I send comments about this website?
E-mail him here.
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Model Railroad Hobbyist
Hill Country Flyer
Texas State Railroad
Tarantula Train
T&P Memories
Texas Escapes: Railroads
Texas RR Locations
Selected Links:
Club Brochure
Membership Application
Club By-Laws
Modular Plans
Track Plan
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