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Bills' Hobbies ...somewhere on line...
This page is about Iron Rails, the Modular Railroad Group I have been a member of since early in 1993. We started out as an N-TRAK club, and for many years we lugged our bulky, heavy modules to several Train Shows each year. As time went by, membership dwindled, we were without a club location for several years, and the 2 of us remaining from the origional membership decided that we would no longer haul our modules anymore. With the discovery of T-TRAK, we decided that this new concept might be just the thing for us older modelers to take to shows, so, we began building modules, and have been exhibiting them occasionaly While we were at one train show, a few years ago, we were approched by a modelrailroader, and after hearing that we were without a club location, were invited to share her basement! That's right, her. She is an HO scaler, has her own layout, and enjoys scenery making. Oh, yeah, she is 81 years young. Her name is Barb, and she keeps busy working on her own layout, that of another friends layout, also in her basement, and has done a lot of work on our T-TRAK modules. We still have our N-TRAK modules, the layout is 8 feet by 16 feet, and it is in her basement in a room by itself. We have stripped all of the N scale track off, and are converting to HO scale, 2 track mainline, with branch lines for switching. We have also raised the layout by 8". Here are some photos of our various layouts. ![]() ![]() Back up to top of page
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