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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/crcorp.
The place where memories come alive!
Welcome to the Conrail enthusiast's home terminal! This site has been created as an outlet for Conrail employees, former employees, modelers, photographers, and all other rail enthusiasts to come together and enjoy Big Blue! Future plans include a complete image library loaded with pics, locomotive data, prior work ethics, freight schedules, employee timetables and much more! There are a great bunch of people on the CRCorp Yahoo list who all share a common enthusiasm for Big Blue. There's also a wealth of knowledge available from fans, modelers, collectors and employees alike! I hope you take as much to this great railroad as I and we welcome your input and hope to talk with you soon. Take a moment and join our CRCorp Yahoo Group for the message board and other info!
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Copyright © 2003 Kristopher M. Klemick
This site is not sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail)
Reproduction in any form without express written permission is prohibited
Photos by the author unless otherwise noted
Site best viewed at 800x600 with Futura Bold BT font
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Click here for info.