Larry Winfrey
The "old man" of the bunch.
Models: Missouri Pacific;
Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf; Chicago and Eastern Illinois; Texas and
Dusty McCoy
He is the "real" McCoy
Models: Missouri, Kansas and Texas; St Louis and San
Francisco; Amtrak
Paul Shattuck
The cajun from Lousiana
Models: Kansas City Southern
Wayne Schlueter
The engineer, and not the train running kind, more
the kind with the 20 pound brain!
Models: Burlington Northern and
the Boeing Train
Daryl Klataske
Always there to cover for our
wiring and DCC "goofs"
Models: Rock Island and Kyle
Rhett Neufeld
Fireman extraordinaire, you
know, the kind that puts out fires
Models: Santa Fe
Rob Petty
No relation to Tom or Richard
Models: Just about anything

Lucas Seiler
Models: Rock Island as if it never went belly up!;
Union Pacific

Greg Baker
The real train guy of the bunch, trainmaster for the
Kansas and Oklahoma RR
Models: Great Northern.
SP&S and maybe just a bit of Northern Pacific
Rick Keil
Models: Chicago, Burlington and Quincy (which never came close to
southern Kansas)
Glen Hoover
Almost got him convinced about
Free-Mo and Digitrax (almost)
Models: Montana Rail Link and Burlington Northern
Tony LaLumia
The Godfather
Models: Frisco
Adam Goldsmith
Models: A little bit of everything