Southern Kansas Free-mo
2009 Edition
July 2009
Lots of changes since the last update. I (Ricky Keil) moved
back to Nebraska but I still consider myself tied to the great
folks in southern Kansas. Sinc ethe last update we've
had a few shows, Wichita, Cleveland, Ohio, and the NMRA
Mid Continent Region show in
Work continues on the 29th St
yard/loop in preparation for the
2010 MRA National Train Show in Milwaukee. There is a planned
Rail Prototype Meet on 7-8 November in Wichta, times/location to be determined.
Also, the folks may travle up to Nebraska 12-13
December for a setup at the Strategic Air and
Space Museum between Lincoln and
Hopefully all the picture links
will be up soon and you can see some
of the great operations we've
August 2008
Several members
of Southern Kansas Free-Mo had the opportunity to operate on several home
layouts in the Kansas City area. Most of the layouts were based
on the Frisco and Katy railroads. It was a
great time and we got to learn some good
things about operations and having
July 31st, 2008
We just got back from the NMRA National Train
Show in Anaheim, CA. The show was a big success and we hooked
up with 4 other Free-Mo groups from around North America to build a
pretty impressive layout. The plan is already posted in the
photos section, photos of the show will be following soon. The
highlight was the entire set-up taking 3rd place in the NMRA group
module contest and the individual module "Dolese" taking Honorable
Mention thanks to everyone's great work, especially Larry Winfrey
who scratchbuilt the cement batch
Due to a great effort on the part of our group,
we were able to convert some of our loop 45s to regular Free-Mo 45s
and build two brand new modules replacing two of the legacy
modules. Currently the group has the origianl loop,
portions of the second with work starting next week on the rest of
it, and 18 module/module sets throughout
The next show is Ark City, KS on Nov 1-2, set up
on Halloween, and it should be our biggest yet. We should be
unveiling Rob Petty's Augusta Refinery module set along with Sean
Franklin's module set coming in from Arkansas. Please send us
an email if you would like to set up with us or attend just to see
Free-Mo in action.
April 23rd, 2008
We just received word today that Trains on the Plains has been cancelled and
will be re-scheduled for another date later this year.
April 14th, 2008 Update
We are pleased to announce our new
website! Our goal is to update this site at least once a month.
Please come and join us for Trains on the
Plains in Hutchinson Kansas April 26th and 27th at the Kansas State
Fairgrounds. We will be located in the Sunflower Building north. Hope to see
you there!
Stay tuned more updates on the way!