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Building an Ultradome
It's a common misconception that most ultradomes are built out of former SP and CNW bilevel commuter cars. While this was true of the first four cars, and partially true of the next two, all of the cars built since that time have been built from scratch.
For the next two cars ordered, the host cars were stripped all the way down to the center sills and rebuilt with fabricated sides and ends. While this saved a bit on the labor costs, it was only a natural progression to completely fabricate the car from scratch.
All in all, metal work on the cars is said to take about two weeks, meaning that the next eight and a half months is spent entirely on finish work. Trucks are rebuilt, miles of electrical cable and conduit are strung, and the actual structure of the car is fleshed out and put together.
The ultradome design is unique in that most all of the heavy components of the car are slung underneath the center sill, leaving the bottom floor completely open for revenue use. Generator, air conditioner condensers, water and fuel storage are all located under the car. Besides the space savings, this has the obvious advantage of placing all the weight lower, making the car ride better and more stable. In addition to the patents on overall design, Colorado Railcar also builds in several more subtle features. One of the most innovative is the ducted air conditioning system, which is designed to help adequately circulate the air around the upper level to help prevent the window fogging that is common on full dome cars. |
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