This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/crocon.
S Scale Structures & Scenery
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Rusty Stumps - Walt Gillespie makes laser-etched brick and concrete block that are the best I've seen in 1:64 scale. And he makes laser-cut stairways, freight doors, windows, etc. that are meticulously-crafted and easy to use.
A tip 'o the hat to March Charles for telling us about this site.
Model Tech Studios - S scale kits and details.
Wild West Scale Model Builders - laser cut wood structures in S scale.
Branchline Trains - Laser cut lineside structures and houses in S scale.
Creative Laser Design - Laser cut kits in S scale.
Grand River Models - "Grand River Models produces quality kits for modelers in S-scale."
Barry Silverthorn
Grand River Models
519-865-6502 (mobile)
Phone: 519-865-6502 (mobile)
Forest City Welding - Release date: October 7, 2009
Forest City Welding is a
wood-sided garage featuring laser-cut walls, corrugated roofing material and
resin details. The doors can be modeled open or closed. The painted sign on
the front is a waterslide decal made specially for this kit, which is pre-aged
with built-in weathering effects. Other details include 10 laser-cut wooden
shipping pallets, lightshade and a sheet of printed signs. The kit comes with
six pages of assembly instructions with helpful modeling and painting tips.
The building's footprint is 5" X 9". Only 100 kits will be produced.
$49.95 plus shipping.
Forest City Welding pictured above.
Middleton & Sons Warehouse and Transfer - release date: August 23, 2008.
Middleton & Sons Warehouse and Transfer is a typical North American industrial building from the turn of the century. The rail siding is long enough to accomodate two boxcars. The windows and doors are laser-cut wood and you can model them open or closed. The footprint of the scene is approximately 27" X 27", but it can be worked into a space as narrow as18".
This kit features incredible brick detail unmatched by any S-scale kit offered!
A boilerhouse, smokestack and machine shop will be available as accessory kits in late-2008.
Cast-resin walls and sidewalks.
Cast-resin forklift, chimney, skylights, elevator house, fire hydrants.
Laser-cut dock, windows and doors
Laser-cut billboard, water tank, rooftop stairway, crates, skids, cable reels,
road crossing, crossbucks, derail, wheelstops and fencing
A sheet of printed signs, as well as brass lampshades and corrugated metal roofing
Figures, vehicle and scenery material not included.
Middleton &
Sons Warehouse and Transfer
$375 plus $25 shipping and insurance.
Release date: August 23rd, 2008.
Available online at Grand River Models
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Greg's Grocery was the first release from Grand River Models. The kit features cast-resin walls and sidewalks, and includes a chimney, vent, skylight, sign, fire hydrant, barber pole, streetlight and downspouts. The stairway, breezeway, fruit stand, crates, skids, park bench, and fencing are laser cut wood. A sheet of printed signs is included, as well as brass lampshades and stripwood for building a wall-mounted billboard. 250 kits will be offered. Greg's Grocery will be available in January and can be ordered online at
Due out in February, 2008.
storefront is typical of many commercial structures built between the1880's
and 1920's across North America. The barbershop next door is designed to look
as though it was built as an addition to the main building. These types of storefronts
can be found in both cities and small towns, so the structure is suitable for
just about any locale and any era,
on any S-scale layout.
Greg's Grocery will be available February 7th, and can be ordered online for
$119.95 plus shipping at
Imagine That - Two
new urban laser kit structures in S Scale: S Albany Crown Towers ($329.00) and
Lion's Head S Scale ($159.00).
Mount Blue
Model Co. - new structures, some in S Scale.
Model Tech Studios -
Model Tech Studios LLC PO Box 1497 No. Hampton, NH 03962 / telephone: 603.964.5995
E-mail: James Bester
Just released --- the first
series of our new scratchbuilding or lasercutting wood line with masonry sheets
for building s scale structures like stone, stucco, aged concrete and coming
next brick and concrete block. This line fills many of the scale material gaps
such as the variety of Masonry surfaces, weathred/aged materials for the layout
builder to work easily with. Many sheets are 24”L x 6” W and retail
for $12.99 ( as of 1/19/09 ... please
check with the company for any changes before ordering.) We are
continuing to expand the line over the next year(s) to address 1 piece roofing
and more. All sheets are “GENUINE 3D” Wood sheets with great architectural
Free samples are available with a SASE w/ 3 stamps forwarded to us at the above
Kor Models - formerly
Korber Models. It is not clear at this time whether they will be carrying any
of the Korber HO model structures, many of which worked perfectly in S scale.
Ragg's...To Riches? - new
laser cut craftsmen kits in S Scale:
The Randolph Depot (located on the Kennebec Central RR), and if you've ever seen photos of it, the best way to describe it is "charming". It's a neat little Victorian depot with just the right amount of "gingerbread", an 8-sided tower, and an eyecatching 6-foot tall weathervane. The kit includes the prototype's 2-seater outhouse. Even though the depot is from a 2-foot prototype, it's a great station for any shortline. The kit includes a 33-page, spiral bound instruction manual with 54-photos, and sells for $145, postpaid to the US and Canada.
The Sanders Water Tank -- an enclosed water tank located north of Phillips, Maine, on the Sandy River and Rangeley Lake Railroad. The EARLY version of the tank has tapered sides and a vented cupola. The LATE version of the tank has straight sides and a smoke pipe. Two versions. Each version sells for $45.
Ragg's...To Riches?
499 Davis Hill Road
Middlebury Center, PA 16935 USA
Phone: (570) 376-2025
Canyon Scale Models
Copper's Donut Drive-in Kit, S-scale 1/64
From their website: "Copper's Donut Drive-in is the latest addition to our Route 66 series of S-scale kits. The prototype for our donut drive-in was built in 1950 as part of the now-defunct Big Donut Drive-In chain. At least five of the Big Donuts survive today. The big donut on the roof is 22 feet in diameter.Our donut drive-in has a footprint of 6-3/4 inches front-to-back by 3-3/4 inches wide. Over the eves is 4-3/16 inches wide. The height to the top of the donut is 6-1/4 inches. This donut drive-in features one walk-up window in the front and two drive-up windows (one on each side). Also included is full interior details for the front sales area, new roof vent and a new trash can. All details shown are included in the kit, except the figures (people) not included. The roof has gravel detail cast right into place. For easy location of details, locator footprints have been provided in the gravel. The holes for the plumbing vents and donut supports are pre-drilled. Copper's Donut Drive-in is a great place to park all those extra police cars you have collected. Your law enforcement friends will really get a kick out of it. Produced in high quality polyurethane resin for easy construction. To recommended glue for this kit. Copper's Donut Drive-in Kit #640, Price $79".(as of October, 2006)Firehouse - Canyon County Firehouse - an S scale limited edition.
Toxic Terminal
Created from Back Alley #2, Toxic Terminal was designed to build a complete structure that can be arranged in many ways. Footprint 15 x 6-1/8 x 6 inches high. Add 2 inches for the water tower that can be placed anywhere on the roof. The included loading dock will add 1-1/2 inch to the depth. All details shown are included in this kit, such as loading dock, 2 clumps of 55 gallon drums, water tower, 6 vent turbines, 2 heat vents, 2 electric meters, rain drains, wooden ladders, 2 access stairs, junk detail casting and full color signs.They recommend their Woodsy Stains for grout lines and wood finish on this kit. Toxic Terminal #376S, MSRP $89.
Back Alley Kit #2 - $99.00. (The Factory/Warehouse) is a modular system that can be arranged in many ways, for a factory/warehouse wall totaling over 29 inches long. Made from high quality polyurethane resin with separate injection molded plastic masonry windows. Very rustic brick pattern with bricks in true 1/64 scale. Designed to compliment Back Alley Kit #1.
Made to fit between the backdrop and back track, or wherever you desire. All structures will fit in a 3 inch space. The included loading docks will add 1-1/2 inch to the depth. The tall wall is 11-1/4 inches long and 9 inches high. The short wall is 18-1/2 inches long and 6 inches high. This kit will build a back alley over 29 inches long. There are over 3 pounds of parts in this kit. An 8-1/2 x 11 inch sheet of nostalgic signs and posters are included.
Back Alley Kit #1 - $94.00. Steam Era Industrial Back Alley kit is a modular system that can be arranged in many ways, for a wall totaling 29 inches long. Additional expansion panels will be available soon. Made from high quality polyurethane resin with separate plastic window castings. Made to fit between the backdrop and back track, or wherever you desire. All structures will fit in a 3 inch space. Add 1-1/2 inch depth if you use the optional loading dock kit available soon. The optional loading dock will raise the entire alley up to deck height for a scale boxcar with top of the rail being level with the street. The tallest structure is 8 inches high.
Footprints for Back Alley Number 1:
The first 3 panels can make 3 walls 4-1/4 inches long each, or one wall 14-1/2 inches long as shown in the photos.
The second wall is 5-1/2 inches and the third wall is 9-1/2 inches long. Side walls are included for each main wall so you can have small alleys or streets between the buildings. This kit will build a back alley over 29 inches long when tied together as shown in this photo.
S Scale gas station (May, 2003) - Compatible with S-scale model railroads, Johnny Lightning, Hotwheels and many other die-cast cars. This 1950's Spanish Style Gas Station Kit #320S is the first in their new Highway 66 series of 1:64 scale structure kits. They used the General Scale 1:64 S-scale for their dimensions. Everything is scaled to true S-scale. According to their website they say they "realize Johnny Lightning cars are just a bit small." (They got that right!) "Most Mint Editions and Road Champs cars are correct S-scale." (Right again!) $79.
Pine Canyon's S scale cafe:
The Dump Kit #370S, Price $44
This is a photo of one of the four dumps offered in The Dump Kit.
B. T. S.--
Bill's Train Shop
- A MUST STOP for any S scale modeler! Bill Wade is constantly
coming out with new products so take a good look through his site. Makers of
BTS Structure's Craftsman Kits & Old Pullman S Scale Trackwork; S scale
products supplier including Hartoy trucks.
I've built some of the BTS structures and I can tell you that they are well
made with excellent directions.
Fully laser cut loading dock... #07506...S Scale....$24.95
Houses (7/03)- The 2nd Street Series will feature at least five different houses common all across the U.S.A. First up is 110 2nd St.
Second Street - New series of private homes
perfect for any small
town for at least the last 100 years...
Fire Hose Storage and Water Tank - Next piece of the McCabe
Lumber series includes six hose storage sheds and a watertank, useful in
many industrial settings....
Cable Reels - Another One-Niter kit....
Engine House - BTS has both single-stall and two-stall engine houses in stock.
Other BTS Offerings:
#08105-L Cabin Creek Coal Tipple, S Scale $429.95
#08105-SE Cabin Creek Coal Tipple, S, Silver Edition (Sound) $579.95 - SORRY FOLKS ... THIS ITEM WAS SOLD OUT YEARS AGO!
For photos and more information,
And if your layout is too small for the tipple, take a look at the first of the New River Yard series, the MOW Shed. Based upon an AT&SF prototype, this small shed is typical of the general storage buildings that every railroad needs. We are cutting this kit now, and shipping should start in about a week.
#07501 MOW Shed, S Scale $34.95
R & L Miniature Marketplace source
for model vehicles, buildings, signs and accessories, featuring products from
Berkshire Valley, AmeriTowne, Twin Whistle, and DSL, to name a few.
Micro Tech Scale Models
- S scale structures including small depot, boiler house, speeder shed, western
style saloon and The Hazel Belle Mine. They also produce some S scale detail
parts including shingles, doors and windows.
KingMill Enterprises - NEW
Boone Depot (BD-S) $95.00. Made in the USA. Boone Depot model kit includes:
• Laser cut walls, roof, windows, doors & platform
• Tar paper roof
• White-metal chimney
• Detailed Instructions Download PDF (664 kb)
S Scale Kit dimensions: 6.975 " x 20"
Boone Depot was located at the eastern terminus of the Linville River Railway in Boone North Carolina. Depot construction began on May 20, 1919 by a local builder Hodges & Wyke and was completed sometime after July 10th of the same year. The building initially served as a rail passenger and freight station and later as both a rail and bus station. The great flood of 1940 brought destruction to the Linville River Railway and the Boone depot was sold to H.W. Wilcox for use as a warehouse until its removal in 1968 by the state of North Carolina. This a limited run kit and only 50 will be produced!
Freestone Model Accessories -
Jerry Freestone controls the Prototype range of SuperQuick
Model card kits and the retailing of the Model Yard range, and
retails Metcalfe's and other kits as well. In the UK write to Jerry at:
Ragg' Riches
Laser-cut craftsman kits, some in S Scale.
Ragg's.. To Riches
RD 2, Box 102C
Middlebury Center, PA 16935 / Phone: (570) 376-2025 / E-mail:
LLC - out of business (May 2007) - Perhaps
you can still buy some used or on ebay but this company sold an assortment of
urban structures which are hard to find in S scale.
Warehouse walls, 4 stories with Grandt Line windows (or without). 4 and 5 story factory walls, building facades and detail parts as well.
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Westport Model
Works--Cardstock Backdrops in S gauge.
I have ten of these.
Model Kits--makers of OO gauge European
card models, close in size to S gauge building kits, tab & slot style
of construction. All of the printing (art work) is usually first class on
the card models.
There are 33 SuperQuick kits of which 3 are effectively double kits. The ordinary kit retails at £ 4.19, so about $6 now.(as of 8/27/04) They are mainly smaller out buildings, station platforms and the like. They also have a few larger structures and 6 packs of building papers (brick, stone, tile, etc.) The building papers have always been in packs of 6 sheets; there has nearly always been a choice of 13 packs of these papers. NOTE the new address below:
Mountaineer Precision
Products - new S scale structures including houses,
barns, sheds, out buildings and railroad structures. Two new S scale stations
will be marketed under the name of Allegheny Models. The footprint on the smaller
one is 20'-0" x 50'-0" and the larger one is 20'-0" x 72'-9".
Andy Lester
Mountaineer Precision Products
6166 Ridgewood Court
Florence, KY 41042-9715
Bar Mills Scale
Models - Laser
Cut Modular any structure. I have several of
their Billboards in HO. They look great atop S
scale buildings. Also releasing a new structure in S scale - the "Swanson's
Lunch Stand" for $37.95. Kit includes structure with complete interior
framing and appliances, fencing, metal details, signs and a billboard. Sold
direct only!
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Track Side Patterns &
Graphics. - produces patterns for buildings, including
in S. Will also produce a pattern from photos, andcustom build from his own
DSL Shops--S
Scale building products. S scale product offerings have changed. The Dime Store
will become a front-only kit. Halsted Hobbies, the Pershing Bakery, the Drug
Store, the Berwyn Bungalow, and Al's Auto Body are all discontinued.
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Steam Depot -
IS JACK STILL IN BUSINESS???? Was at: 2038 Center Street, Ashland,
PA 17921; phone: (570) 875-4205; fax: (570) 875-2016-- Large supplier of thousands
of S gauge products, often at discount prices. Catalog is $3.00 and well worth
Scenery Unlimited
7236 W. Madison Street
Forest Park, IL 60130
phone (708) 366-7763
Thousands of S products in stock. Owner Don Heimburger also publishes the S Gaugian magazine, available from the same address.
Banta Modelworks--
offerings include the WSL Co. Powder House Water Tank; a Rio Grande Southern
(RGS) structure from Old Ophir called "The House at the Trestle", (a small dwelling
with an angled front door); the RGS "Mrs. Skillians store" and the RGS "General
Merchandise" store (both laser cut).
Continuing their West Side Lumber series there are the Crumbine Oil facility,
some logging camp cars, and a warehouse from camp Reynolds.
The structures are primarily cast in urethane, however in some cases such as
the water tanks wood is used for the legs and white metal parts are included
for the hardware.
Another release is their "Dino Bones." "Dino Bones" is an archeological site
or dig showing exposed dinosaur bones. It is cast in urethane and is intended
to be integrated into scenery on the model railroad. The casting is about 3"
x 4".
Other S scale kits include
The Building & Structure Company products are now made and sold by Banta including a line of laser cut wood structure kits, cast Hydrocal structure kits and white metal detail parts.
American Model
Builders - just click on the S Scale page.
About a dozen laser cut structures in S scale now available and reasonably priced.
3 Collectibles...Firehouses and fire engines
Makers of the 175' Pratt Pin Single Track Bridge....31" long and strong enough for any train. The model is accurately executed in every detail with literally thousands of rivets and detail castings. Check for any more availability!
Stainless Unlimited
- custom built bridges in any gauge, any size.
Blackstone Valley
Ry - Bridge And Structure Specialists. See the
coal trestle at:
Model Building
Services --Model Building Services assembles
O & S gauge kits for train layouts.
Twin Whistle Sign And
Kit Company makes
the Twin Whistle structures and billboards carried by PortLines Hobbies.
Port Lines Hobby Supplies
- Doug Peck--Specialists in:
I've assembled thisTwin Whistle Packard's Diner, the gas station/grocery store, the White Tower and the and Deco Style Gas Station. I highly recommend them as a fine additions to any S layout should any be available.
Here's a photo of the Twin Whistle Packard's Diner that I built.
brick roundhouse kit available in either 16" or 21.5" depths. Cast resin
walls; wood beams, columns and rafters; double-sided scribed wood doors; keystone
arched doorways; embossed brickwork; Grandt line windows.
Expandable with soon-to-follow add-on stalls and a rear machine-shop or office
Novice - level kit!
16" = $115; 21.5" = $129........+$4 shipping.
To send e-mail to Port Lines Hobbies Click Here.
Berkshire Junction
Model Railroad Supplies --EZ Line,
an elastic polymer stretchy product that can be used for telephone and electrical
wires on your layout.
Also carry electronic devices that add more detail and realism to the layout, including "flickering firelight" for hobo or boy scout fires...
Royal Train Equipment offers railroad
crossing signs, building kits, SHelper Service products, and other accessories
in S Scale. Royal also offers "junk" & ballast loads for gondolas and sitting
people and bench sets.
LASERKIT's by American
Model Builders -- Laser kit S structures:
Heljan Brewery. This
is an excellent and popular HO structure that can easily be used in S scale.
There are 2 versions of this kit- "HO" and a smaller scale "HO/N" version. The
larger kit, suitable for S, is Heljan # 807 (Walthers 322-807). The kits come
with 2 sets of doors. In the 807 kit, the larger doors are approximately S scale.
This kit is offered only as a brewery. The smaller version was also offered
in a slightly different meatpacking variation. Walthers
almost always offers this kit.
Crystal River Products is
planning to produce some S scale structures based on their line of HO kits of
Colorado (Western) style buildings. It will be a couple of months before the
first S scale building is released.
Lehigh Valley Models--Now under new ownership:
K&P Brick
& Building Co. / Phil Kehr
308 Indian Rock Dam Rd.
York, Pa. 17403
717 747 0493
Veteran S scaler Frank Titman no longer produces this fine line of craftsmanlike S structure and rolling stock kits.
This station was built by Paul Yorke from a Lehigh Valley Models craftsman kit. Kit #LVM18 sells for $35.00 plus $3.00 P & H.
Metcalfe Models and Toys--more
inexpensive OO scale printed cardboard kits like those made by Superquick Models
(see above.)
Metcalfe has a killer, large, 3 & 4 storey warehouse and mill, and a boiler house/single storey factory complex. The two can be used together to make a large factory complex. Also offered are row houses, low relief "High St." (Main St.) shops in groups of three and other things. Each Metcalfe card kit is about $9.50 each, including postage to anywhere in the UK..
The Cryer Gray Foundry - 1917
vintage 53'6" brass through plate girder bridge, fully assembled
Central Valley-- Central Valley
sells single and double track plate girder bridges in HO. Many of the parts
are easily adaptable to S gauge, however. The bridges come in a kit form and
are approximately 10 inches long. They are made of injection molded styrene
and come super detailed with thousands of rivets. They are ideal for the S gauge
Ridgehill Scale Models--They have
the following kits in S scale:
Design Preservation Models
/ Woodland Scenics -- DPM made urban building
kits in HO that can easily be kitbashed to S gauge.
These are two DPM buildings on my S scale model railroad. Both buildings have been kitbashed to "S."
Hydorcal Castings in S Scale by C.C. Crow -
S scale structure progress but worth a good look!
Includes scratchbuilding supplies, S
scale brick stock patterns and a roundhouse yet to be completed. In response
to his S scale Denver and Rio Grande roundhouse he writes: "I've been told and
told to do something in S-scale. Anything. So here it is. And dead silence."
So take a look at his offerings if you want folks to make more S scale products!
New England Brown Stone -
This company makes some really nice stone walls, and in S scale too!
They manufacture high quality model trees, model scenery supplies at extremely competitive prices. With over 20 years experience in architectural model manufacturing, we have production lines for model trees & scenery supplies. Based in Mainland China, we aim to provide high quality model supplies, model trees for modellers at the best possible price.Featuring a broad range of model supplies to complement our core products we also cater towards specific designs, requests and product lines to suit all modellers.
Plastic Trees : Model trees ideally suited to Railway & Game modelers (no
Etched Model Trees : Specifically designed for high quality Architectural Models,
Etched model trees are available from 10mm ~150mm in height.
Swing & Wire Model Trees : An alternative solution to enrich your models
with Swing and Wire model trees.
Palm Trees : Palm Tree selection featuring Etched, Mexican, Coconut, Royal Palm
and Canary island date with more under development.Other Model Supplies
Scattering Materials :
Grass powder, Grass dusts,
foam textures (available in an assortment of colours and grades)
Grass Mat : Up to 1.2M x 2.5M size (Available in a range of colours).
Contact them at More information can be found at their model supplies web site and model making web site at
Stevens Creek Modesls
- S scale window and door glazing. For Grandt Line S scale windows:
* 4027 - WGS-4027 - Enough
for 2 packs of windows $2.75 (07/04/06)
* 4041 - WGS-4041 - $2.75 (07/04/06)
ScaleCrete - The modeler's paving
material for concrete and asphalt. Works great! Price as of 2/07/2004
is $20.00 (includes shipping in USA) for 1 quart. I've been used this material
quite successfully to make cobblestone streets. It has a long working time.
Just wet it while you're working with it to extend the time you to work with
it before it dries.
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photo above shows how I've used Scale Crete to create cobblestone streets
with trolley tracks imbedded in the street. |
- this liquid product purports to ceate realistic window glass panes in
scale thickness with impressive effects for indoor lighting of structures.
Available from Micro-Mark as product
#80894. Call Micro-Mark at 1-800-225-1066.
to make Scenic Express Supertrees
Interesting Site on how to make Scenic Express Super Trees.
Bragdon Enterprises - Cutting Edge Model
Wooden Works - "Fir-Ever Forest Products" - 30 pine trees
- $9.95 a box; S scale 5'-14' (1-2.75")
Zealand Finescale They make 10 figures in
1:64 scale pewter at $4.50 each or $40.00 for all 10. (as of 3-23-13)
painted or unpainted figures including sets of baseball players,
deep sea dive crew and chaffeurs.
-- very nicely detailed S scale figures. I have about
15 of them. CAll 800-316-2493 for ordering and; takes Visa and MC.
Some of the new S gauge figures by Artistta. Pricey at approx. $5.00 apiece painted but very well made. Also available from Scenery Unlimited.
Fun And Games
Scale Figures For Model Railroads-- has a fully illustrated
Fun and Games People measured against an S Scale ruler. Courtesy: Stan Stokrocki.
Railmaster Exports
S Gauge Figures. Railmaster has one of the best buys available
on S scale figures...and they are pretty much true to scale. Not quite as highly
detailed perhaps as the Arttista figures, Railmaster's remain, in my opinion,
the best buy for the money. Most of the figures on my home layout are from Railmaster
Exports. These are my choice for the best buy in S scale figures.
Rail King
figures by Mikes Train House
Models offers S figures painted or unpainted.
Large offering.
One set of figures offered by American Models
NASG Bernie
Thomas Award, 2003 NASG Perles
Publications Award, 1997