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Dave's Forum!

Since I've been running this site I've had a lot of questions sent to me by e-mail and I've always tried to answer these fully, and as quickly as I can.

I'm happy to continue to get personal mails from readers of this site, but it occurred to me that other readers may have similar questions, and might like the opportunity to read my replies and add their thoughts too.

This idea is being aimed solely at matters either raised here already or for questions specifically relevant to this site in particular and London Underground in general.

Update added 19th February 2005

However, since I originally started this, the traffic the 'original' forum is receiving has started to far outweigh the capacity provided and I've had to delete some older threads that I'd really rather have left available, so a new version has been started.  But I emphasise that the idea is that this resource is particularly aimed at readers of this site and to matters raised on it either directly or indirectly.  It is most certainly not my intention to 'challenge' other forums, of which there are several good options available.

I hope you'll join in (or continue to participate) and help make this site more interactive. Enter the forum by clicking the 'District Line' logo below.

However, at least for the time being, the 'old' forum will remain available for viewing, but it will not accept new posts. Click on the icon below to view the 'old' the forum.

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