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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/goldsbororrclub.

Home Schooling Resources... |
Model railroads fun to watch.
Everyone loves to see a freight train creeping through a
mountain tunnel and across a bridge. But trains are
also very educational. There is a lot of stuff
involved in getting a freight car from one location to
another. Just about any educational course can be
associated with trains. Of course, everyone knows
the important role that the railroads played in settling
the west and in forming early America. But, there
are major educational opportunities hidden in those
freight trains such as electrical, physics, mechanical,
and environmental, to name a few.
Some topics that can be expanded on are:
Area Model Railroad Club, Inc. is open to any home
schooling family or group by appointment. There is
no fee or charge for our layout to be operational for your
visit! Contact us to
arrange for your visit. |
*The Goldsboro Area Model Railroad Club, Inc. is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. Donors may fully deduct contributions to the GAMRC as provided in Section 170 of the IRS Code.
Support this website by joining the Silver Rails TrainWeb Club for as little as $1 per month.
Click here for info.