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GP15-1, GP50, GP15 AC
Diesel Power - Second Generation
MP 1707
- a GP15 AC on southbound UP freight on the former Missouri Pacific
Houston-Brownsville line (near Bloomington); February '86 - ©
Gary Morris Photo
After many years
of successfully bearing the weight of the company's hopes and aspirations
on their backs, the aging MoPac Geeps were one by one beginning to fall.
In a an age of C-C power and mile-long coal trains, there was still
a need for the low horsepowered road switcher. EMD had the answer when
it introduced the GP15 as a replacement for GP7's, 9's and 18's all
over the country.
At the same time the Missouri Pacific also purchased the GP50, the successor
to the very popular GP38-2, still versitile and with more horsepower.

with Power - the 1970's-'80's
click on the thumbnails
for a larger image
the GP15-1 |
GP15-1 |
6/76 |
4/82 |
160 units |
June 1976 saw the first GP15-1's delivered to MoPac.
Instead of the normal EMD 16-cylinder engine for this model, MoPac specified
to have this group delivered with 12-cylinders rated at 1,500 hp... an
unusual move made due to the fact that these locos were specifically to
replace an aging yet indespensible fleet of GP7's, 9's and 18's throughout
the system.
These rear vents on these engines were of a different design than other
models offered by EMD which sometimes leads observers to mistakenly identified
the Geeps as having 'tunnel motors' (as they had a similar appearance
to the specialized locos used by mountain railways with many tunnels such
as the Southern Pacific).
MP 1580 - © Brian Paul Ehni photo, used with permission.
GP15-1 1582 - sitting in the CHTT Roundhouse in Chicago Heights.
April 1981. - ©JD Santucci Photo
MP GP15-1 #1582 - is at the diesel
shop at Centennial Yard in Fort Worth, Texas in 1988. - Jay
Glenewinkel Photo. |
MP GP15-1 #1599 - is at the Centennial
Yard diesel shop in Fort Worth, Texas in 1988. - Jay
Glenewinkel Photo. |
MP GP15-1 #1605 - sits on a storage track at Tower 55 as a Katy
freight passes through. The track that the MOP unit is on, nor the two
railroads no longer exist today. Picture taken in 1984. - Jay
Glenewinkel Photo.
MP GP15-1 1605 - sits on a service track at Tower 55 in Fort Worth
in March 1984. - Jay Glenewinkel
MP 1608 - © Brian Paul Ehni photo, used with permission.
GP15-1 1619 - observes damage to L&N MP1SDC 5029 at Yard Center
Diesel Shop, December 198+ - "Tuch" Santucci Photo
MP GP15-1 #1634 - is ready for local service in
San Antonio in 1986. - Steve Rude Photo/Jay
Glenewinkel Collection
MP GP15-1 #1634 - This unit isn't so odd in itself, but it does
have a life-preserver (marked U.P.R.R.) stowed on the handrail; at Longview,
Texas - J.C.T. Photo. Contact
for a list Train Picture CD's for sale
Mo-Pac GP15 #1657 - is Brand New and has yet to turn a revenue
mile in this photo. Note the lack of the firecracker antenna, the unit
awaits the installation of radio equipment in Sedalia, Missouri. - Photographer
Unknown/Jay Glenewinkel Collection
MP 1693 and 6007 - at Sosan Yard in San Antonio, Texas in 1981 -
Jay Glenewinkel Photo
MP 1704 - caught in Houston, TX on 8/19/85 - photo from James
Gilley collection
7/76 - MoPac buys the EMD SD40-2c,
"c" was MoPac's designation of these units as being for coal
train pool service.
1/78 - MoPac's first GE B23-7 is built.
the GP50 |
GP50 |
11/80 |
1/81 |
30 units |
MP 3500 - photographed in Fort Worth also
in January 1983 - Mike Bledsoe Photo/Jay
Glenewinkel Collection.
MP 3514 is seen at Little Rock, Arkansas on this first day of September,
1984. - © Ronald
Estes, Rail Images/ T. Greuter Collection ·
MP 3515 - © Brian Paul Ehni photo, used with permission.
11/81 - MoPac's first GE B30-7 is arrives
on the roster.
the GP15 AC |
GP15AC |
11/82 |
12/83 |
30 units |
MP GP15-AC #1716 - is in San Antonio,
Texas in 1987. - Jay Glenewinkel
Photo. |
MP 1722 - A group of GP15-AC's (#1715-1744) delivered in November
1982, would be the road's final aquistion in MoPac blue paint. MP 1722
shown here is parked at Wichita, Kansas on March 27, 1983 - ©
Estes, Rail Images/ T. Greuter Collection ·
Brand new GP15AC 1724 - waiting its turn to be placed in service
at Yard Center Diesel, 12/82. - "Tuch" Santucci Photo
MP GP15-AC 1726 - along with a GP38 works local service in Fort
Worth close to Tower 55 in March 1984. - Jay
Glenewinkel Photo.
MP 1731 - A MoP train lead by a GP15-AC. Missouri Pacific was
just one of many railroads that crossed the Mississippi River at Kentucky
Street, into Millington, Tennessee,1983-84 - Elden Baker Photo,
Trainwatching at Kentucky Street
Brand new GP15AC 1744 - waiting its turn to be placed into service
at Yard Center Diesel, 12/82. - "Tuch" Santucci Photo

Gary Morris, Glen Beans, Paul De Luca, Jay Glenewinkel, J.C.T., Steve
Rude, J.D. Santucci, Bob Yanosey, Train Nutz, George Elwood, Railblazer,
James E. Gilley collection, Elden Baker, Ronald Estes, Chris John, and
Lee Berglund
Missouri Pacific Diesel Power by Kevin EuDaly
effort has been made to get the correct information on these pages,
but mistakes do happen. Reporting of any inaccuracies would be appreciated.
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