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MP Series Unit
Renumbering & Dispositions
1136 To
PNC 1985, to CO&E Sept. 1986
1147 To
PNC 1985, to CO&E Sept. 1986, to PNC 1989, to ATR 8
1161 To
PNC 1985, to CO&E April, 1987
1268 To
CRL 52, to THBE 100, to PT 1268
1278 To
WC 1278
COE 1136 - the former MP 1136 (believed
to have been origianlly assigned to Kansas City, MO) at
Herrin, IL. The former MP SW-1200 is now on the Crab Orchard
& Egyptian Railroad in Marion, IL.#1136 and #1147 were delivered
to the CO&E September, 1986 still in full MP paint. "I spent
a considerable amount of time removing 7 coats of MP Jenks blue
from the 1136 while employed by the CO&E before it was sent back
to PNC for repainting." Edward reports. - Edward Bridges
photo (Unofficial Historian of the CO&E Yahoo!
Groups : CrabOrchardandEgyptianRailroad)
COE 1161 - the former MP 1161 (believed
to have been origianlly assigned to Houston, TX) at
Marion, IL. #1161 was delivered in full CO&E colors April, 1987.
- photo: Edward Bridges
(Unofficial Historian of the CO&E Yahoo!
Groups : CrabOrchardandEgyptianRailroad )
PT 1268 - the former MP 1268, was built
2/65 and retired by MoPac and sold to Chrome in 6/85. The photographer,
John Cockle, works for a small switching carrier in Richmond, CA
called Parr Terminal Railroad. The company now owns an ex-MP
SW1200 #1268, shown here in her current dress. 6/6/01 -
John L. Cockle photo
MP Series Unit
Renumbering & Dispositions
1518 UP
1318 Retired
1519 UP
1319 Retired
1520 UP
1320 Retired
1521 Retired
the Photography of:
Edward Bridges, DW Read, Steve Rude, Jay Glenewinkel, John L. Cockle, Frank
Ferguson, Steve Schuman
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