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Hello, my name is Frank Schwalbach, Jr. I was born on August 15, 1975 in Appleton, Wisconsin. I am married to Lisa (Hagens) and we have one son, Trenton, and one daughter, Desiree. We currently reside in Hilbert.

Here is my wife and I at home in March of 2001.

Growing Up With Trains

I have been fascinated with trains ever since I was learning to walk. My parents told me that "train" was my first word and I have said it repeatedly. I grew up along the Manitowoc Sub (Neenah to Manitowoc) in the Soo Line and Milwaukee Road days. I remember the "Chilton Patrol", a Milwaukee Road local job that ran from Neenah, to Hilbert and then south to Chilton on the Plymouth Sub. The train was usually powered by an MP-15 switcher. The Soo Line used the trackage as well with two trains a day both ways. Nowdays, the WC uses the line with up to four trains a day. I miss the Soo/Milw days, but I am glad that the WC is making good use out of it.

Our Son In My Footsteps

Trenton was born on March 11, 1999 at St. Elizabeth Hospital. After a small setback at the hospital he was allowed home and all was well. He is now a active, hyper two year old who for some reason, which I am proud of, has taken quite a liking to his dad's trains. As a matter of fact, my son's second word was "choo-choo!" He likes to go to the swap meets and train shows, and also likes to go railfanning with his dad. My wife is a little exasperated with the both of us, but I think that she is happy that our son likes to do things with me. I hope that as he gets older that he will still love trains as much as he does now, but no matter what he does, I am very proud of my little boy.

Here is a photo of the little railfan!!

Our New Addition

On May 3, 2001, we were blessed with our second child. Desiree Cassandra weighed in at 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long. She's a handful, but she is our little darling princess.

Here is Desiree at Theda Clark Hospital.

Happy railfanning!! We will see you trackside maybe.

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