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Model Railroad Photos

The first four are photos from my small 4' x 5' HO scale model railroad which I have now scrapped. The last three are from my 2' x 4' N Scale coffee table layout which I just recently constructed. Enjoy!!!

**Click on thumbnails to view photos**
Here is just a plain shot of the back end of the model in the middle of the train with some hopper cars going through.
Here is Milwaukee Road GP40 #2064 (Atlas) along with GP38-2 #365 (Athearn) leading the train around the bend out of the mountain.
Here is an "aerial" view of the two Milwaukee units along with Soo Line GP30 #730 (Athearn) about to enter the mountain.
Here is a shot of pretty much the whole model (I told you before, it's small) with the train crossing the intersection.
A manifest train consisting of bulk grain and other material rolls past and old farmhouse.
An Atlas model Soo Line GP9 leads the train in the previous photo around the south bend.
Here is an overall shot of the whole layout. Little by little I am still adding to it.

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