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Canadian National Photos

Here are some shots of Canadian National trains running through Wisconsin. I will get more of CN on here soon.

**Click on thumbnails to view photos**
A Canadian National train led by #5643 heads south to Chicago from Shops Yard in July of 2000.
A distant CN train heads north out of Shops Yard toward Neenah in November of 2000.
A Canadian National train crosses the swing bridge in Oshkosh in July of 1999.
A healthy CN train is buzzing past Subway Restaurant near Scott St. in Fond Du Lac, Wi. in December of 1998.
A CN Dash-9 and a KCS SD60 head south out of Shops Yard in North Fond Du Lac in February of 1999.
Here is a close up shot of the lash up in the previous picture of Dash-9 #2563 at Shops.
Two EMD SD75-I's pull in to Shops from the South with its train on June 26, 1999.

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