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In Works

D78 Stock 'In Works' at Wakefield and at Ealing Common Depot

I am extremely grateful to Mike James of London Underground's Chief Engineer's Directorate for providing me with and allowing the reproduction of the photos that follow.

Mike is the Line Upgrade Engineer for London Underground, and is deeply involved with this project so what follows here is very much from the horses mouth!

The photos that appear initially are those that I feel are the most significant and benefit from being reproduced in as large a format as I can here and the remainder form new galleries with captions and explanations as appropriate.

This first selection was taken during July 2004 and are of Train 1.

Train 1 at Wakefield July 2004

General external view. As can be seen the exterior paint work has been attended to, but much internal attention is still ongoing.

The car end windows have been cut out and framed, and the Porter Buttons resited.

A considerable amount of corrosion was found, particularly in the cab areas, and of course this needed to be thoroughly addressed.

Similarly corrosion was found  in the saloon door areas as seen here.

This is a 'door engine' - the device which opens and closes the doors. Note the new straps fitted to locate the device more securely. This should improve the reliability  and performance of the doors.

The aperture cut into the rear of  the DMC to house the GPS equipment associated to the Customer Information system.

This photo gives a superb impression of just how much work is involved in such a project.  As you will note, there are no interior panels visible - the same will occur with every car that goes through the programme.

All new seating is being installed and is of a completely different style and construction to that previously fitted.  The panelling seen here will protect the underseat areas.


D78 bodyside & underseat condition

D78 bodyside & underseat condition

D78 bodyside & underseat condition

D78 cab air conditioning housing aperture

D78 cab air conditioning ducting

D78 cab air conditioning - roof apertures

D78 cab air conditioning static converter

D78 cab floor corrosion

D78 cab floor corrosion

D78 cab floor corrosion

D78 cab floor corrosion

D78 cab floor corrosion

D78 cab windscreen - frame

D78 cab windscreen - installed

D78 cab wiring

D78 cab wiring

D78 cab wiring

D78 car end window

D78 ceiling - fan housing

D78 roof - cracked sikaflex

D78 roof - cracked sikaflex

D78 saloon door channels

Train 1 at Ealing Common Depot

The following were taken during October 2004 following the delivery of Train 1 back to Ealing Common Depot and whilst it was undergoing commissioning prior to undertaking brake tests.

External view of DMC 7002

This cab view shows the new style Train Operator's seat and the panel for the Customer Information System and the door close button for the offside doors are also visible. The controls for the Air Conditioning are visible in the top left corner of the photo.

The new  Instructors seat arrangement - which appears to be a vast improvement over the old! Access to the Tunnel telephone equipment is gained by lowering the backrest.

The outlets for the cab air conditioning system.

The multi-purpose seating area.  This is a new innovation and is intended  for use by wheelchair bound passengers. The low level alarm fitment is also visible.

This view of the general saloon interior gives a good impression of the layout.  The bubble wrap and wood panels to the floors and fitments is there to protect them when the cast iron weights that are used to simulate a maximum load for brake testing are added to the train.

Air conditioning static converter mounting

Cab air conditioning controls

Car end window

Car end window

Decoflex draught screen

General saloon interior

Grab pole ceiling fixing

Multi-Purpose Area (MPA) seat mounting & heater panel

MPA seat mounting and heater panel 2

Passenger Emergency Alarm (PEA) handle (high)

PEA handle (low) + doorway grab handle

PEA handle (low) - MPA

CIS display & CCTV pod

Saloon interior DMI

Saloon light diffuser

Shunting control - gauge cover

Transverse seat gaps

Transverse seat handle

Transverse seat heater

Transverse seat relay box

Train 2 at Wakefield December 2004

Finally, to complete this page, the following were taking at Wakefield shortly before Train 2 was returned to Ealing Common Depot.

On this occasion I am only including one larger image.

Visible in the window is the destination display carried on each side of each car. This is set automatically by the Customer Information System.

Cab exterior

Cab exterior

Car end

Exterior label

Exterior label

Exterior label






Multi-Purpose Area

Multi-Purpose Area

Multi-Purpose Area

Multi-Purpose Area

Multi-Purpose Area


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