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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/ambroidkits.


Site Map

I have divided this site into three major parts: Ambroid, COLA, and (in lack of a better term) "General".

Ambroid The Ambroid home page
Company A short history of the Ambroid company
Kits An introduction to the different series of Ambroid kits
arrow K Series A listing of all K series kits with pictures
arrow 1-of-5,000 Series A listing of all kits in both 1-of-5,000 series with pictures
arrow H series A listing of all H series kits with pictures
arrow O Series A listing of all O series kits, some with pictures
arrow S Series A listing of all S series kits, most with pictures
Boxes A listing of all boxes used for the Ambroid kits, most with pictures
Cross Reference A cross reference listing between car type, railroad, and kit number
Credits Listing of all contributors of pictures to the Ambroid site
References References used in the Ambroid site

COLA The City Of Los Angeles home page
Consist A listing, with pictures, of the consist of the 16th COLA train
arrow E8A Prototype and model description of the EMD-built lead E8A engine with pictures
arrow E8B First B-unit Prototype and model description of the first EMD built E8B engine with pictures
arrow E6B Second B-unit Prototype and model description of the second EMD built E6B engine with pictures
arrow Mail-Express - 5620 Prototype and model description of the PS built Mail-Express car with pictures
arrow Baggage-Dormitory - 6006 Prototype and model description of the ACF built Baggage-Dormitory car with pictures
arrow 48 seat Coach - 5340 Prototype and model description of the first PS built Coach car with pictures
arrow 48 seat Coach - 5353 Prototype and model description of the second PS built Coach car with pictures
arrow Cafe-Lounge - Mission Inn Prototype and model description of the PS built Cafe-Lounge car with pictures
arrow Diner - 4815 Prototype and model description of the ACF built Dining car with pictures
arrow Club-Lounge - Loup River Prototype and model description of the ACF built Club-Lounge car with pictures
arrow Sleeper 4-4-2 - Figueroa Prototype and model description of the first PS built 4-4-2 Sleeping car with pictures
arrow Sleeper 10-6 - Pacific Island Prototype and model description of the Budd built 10-6 Sleeping car with pictures
arrow Sleeper 6-6-4 - American Command Prototype and model description of the first PS built 6-6-4 Sleeping car with pictures
arrow Sleeper 6-6-4 - American Courier Prototype and model description of the second PS built 6-6-4 Sleeping car with pictures
arrow Sleeper 4-4-2 - Palos Verdes Prototype and model description of the second PS built 4-4-2 Sleeping car with pictures
arrow Observation-lounge - Sun Valley Prototype and model description of the PS built Observation-Lounge car with pictures
Progress A summary of the progress of my modeling project
Car Orientation A description of what end of each car was facing the engines
Color Charts A listing of the interior colors in the cars
arrow Sleeper 10-6 - Pacific Island Colors used in the Budd built 10-6 Sleeping car
Time Tables Time Tables for COLA and Amtrak Southwest Chief
References References used in the COLA site

References References to external resources used on this site
arrow Ambroid References used in the Ambroid site
arrow COLA References used in the COLA site
Links Links to external resources used on this site
arrow Ambroid Links used in the Ambroid site
arrow COLA Links used in the COLA site
What's New Listing of content updates to the web site with links to the updated pages
Contact Send me an email with comments, suggestions, and corrections
Site Map This page
Privacy Policy Information on handling of personal information on this site

Abbreviations for the builders of COLA engines and cars are explained on the COLA Consist page

Updated 01/02/2008 Copyright © 2006-2008
Per Harwe
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